Does Aly sing for Weddings?

Congratulations on your engagement! Unfortunately, Aly does not sing for weddings at this time. Here is a list of talented musicians she recommends asking instead.

Where can I find sheet music for Aly’s music?

Aly offers sheet music in her web store for download for a couple of her songs. None of her other songs currently have lead sheets available at this time; however, if you send us an email noting your interest in playing specific songs we may be able to provide sheet music or at least chord sheets in the future.

Can we play Aly’s music & include her songs in our lyric booklets?

Absolutely! Aly loves it when people connect with her music and feels honored when people desire to play her songs. We simply ask that you credit Aly appropriately by including the following on your lyric sheets / projection:

Song Name
Words & Music by Aly Aleigha

Also, Aly would LOVE a video or audio clip of you playing her song! Please tag &/or send it to her on instagram, facebook or email us at manager@aly-aleigha.com! She might even share it to her socials for others to see!